Guest Insights

Guest Insights

Episode 200

Podcasts are tiny time capsules, preserving moments of wisdom and insight. Every time I revisit past episodes, I am reminded of how insightful our guests have been. Certain themes consistently emerge, echoed by guests from the very beginning of the podcast to just yesterday. The cost of ignoring these insights is so high that they bear repeating.

Tune in to our latest episode where I share six aspects of marketing that I didn’t know when I first started this podcast. Please listen in on these valuable pieces of wisdom.


0:00:00 Intro
00:00:51 Dan White on mutual understanding
00:02:09 Nick Kelly on tackling human adoption
00:02:45 Debbie Qaqish on marketing ops
00:06:35 Johan van de werken on sharing knowledge
00:07:28 Jim Gianoglio on conferences
00:09:04 Tim Wilson on mixing tactics with strategy
00:12:39 Giannini Fumagalli on change
00:13:07 Gil Gildner on change
00:13:54 Amanda Farley on mindset towards change
00:20:05 Brett Serjeantson on SaaS’s shortcomings
00:21:11 Mark Edmondson on building your own system on top of analytics data
00:22:38 Bob Moore on the rise of APIs
00:23:09 In conclusion

Past Guest Episodes

Smart Branding, with Dan White

Delivering Data Analytics with Nicholas Kelly

From backroom to boardroom with Debbie Qaqish

Boosting GA4 with BigQuery, with Johan van de Werken

Marketing Mix Modelling, with Jim Gianoglio

The Analyst’s Role in Marketing, with Tim Wilson

In search marketing, change = opportunity. With Giannina Fumagalli

Becoming a Digital Marketer with Gil Gildner

Built to Change: How to Future-proof your Marketing Team, with Amanda Farley

Data Science Wizardry with Richard Fergie & Brett Serjeantson

What Google Analytics 4 Makes Possible, with Mark Edmondson

Ecosystem-Led Growth, with Robert Moore

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The AI Playbook, with Eric Siegel

The AI Playbook

Episode 199

Today’s topic is AI and ML, and though you may think this doesn’t concern marketing, we need to acknowledge how it’ll shift things.

Up to now, marketing was done on the premise that for a given audience shown a message, some  average percentage, would act on it. With AI, we’re now able to look at individual audience members and predict how each of them would act upon a message, and at the opportune moment we could have the message show up to each one of them. Goodbye analyzing what happened with crude audience averages, Hello to using detailed data to predict what’s likely to happen. 

With AI holding such promise, why don’t more companies hand things over to AI? I had thought it’s held up by a lack of technical people who know how to do this, but our guest says we’ve had enough technical expertise – He himself was previously one of those data people, and his expertise wasn’t enough to do the job.  He says AI initiatives are held back by those running business functions like marketing who haven’t made the business case and collaborated with the data people to implement this. 

My guest is a leading consultant and former Columbia University and UVA Darden professor. He is the founder of the long-running Machine Learning Week conference series, a frequent keynote speaker, and author of the bestselling Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die. In 2023 he authored “The AI playbook”

Let’s talk to Eric Siegel.


0:00:00 Intro
00:01:37 Welcome Eric Siegel
00:01:56 Barrier we face isn’t technical know-how
00:06:05 Despite a strong start – AI’s been slow to spread
00:11:17 Process a business needs to implement ML
00:27:41 building a custom algorithm
00:29:45 PSA
00:52:32 The human-side of the switchover
00:54:03 Contacting Eric

People, products or concepts mentioned in the show:

Eric speaks at: Generative AI Applications Summit and at Machine Learning Week

Reviews of The AI Playbook and book’s site

Eric works at

Geek Professor Drops Rap Video, Tries to Dance

The AI Playbook | Eric Siegel, author | bizML

Clayton Christiansen

Malcolm Gladwell



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AI playbook diagram

Ecosystem-Led Growth, with Robert Moore

Bob Moore ecosystem-led growth

Episode 198

A pretty widely held view in the world of B2B products is that sales has gotten harder, not easier. It’s not that buyers aren’t buying. By definition, buying is something they do. But in the example of software, some sales reps won’t even know they were being evaluated, let alone passed up for a rival’s product. Only the winning vendor knows that that account uses them for that specific function in their technology stack. All other companies are in the dark.  


But are they really? Another way to look at this is that every vendor has information that could be valuable to others. You can find many buyers stacks with products having some overlap but that largely complement each other. As proof, note that lots of these products even integrate with each other because of buyer demand. 


Should vendors consider collaborating with vendors they compete against? Aren’t we supposed to hate the competition?


We don’t have to. A famous example of that was Apple’s announcement in 1997 of the deal it struck with Microsoft. Steve Jobs defended the deal saying  “If we want to move forward…we have to let go of this notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose.”


Zooming to today’s reality, It makes a lot of sense for vendors to collaborate as part of an Ecosystem. By pooling their data together with their indirect competitors, they can see internal buying patterns. Those vendors who hitch their data wagons together get around the ‘nobody talks to our sales rep’ problem, because one of their partners already has the info that rep needs. Using this intel helps them come first in the race for their product to be selected to go in the buyer’s stack. 


Our guest today got a Science & Engineering degree from Princeton University and after a stint in the investment world, he dove into co-founding startups. The first was business intelligence platform RJMetrics and the other was cloud data pipeline company Stitch, both of which he saw through to successful exits. 


His latest role is as Co-Founder of a platform that safely shares data among companies for this kind of partner-based selling.


Outside of work, He is a Trustee for one of America’s top centers of science education and development And an improv comedy performer, in a  team that has performed over 100 shows together.


This husband, father of two, is very proud to call Philadelphia home. Let’s head there now to meet Bob Moore.


Timestamps / Chapters

0:00:00 Intro

00:03:46 Bob’s thesis on how sales is broken

00:11:21 Ecosystems are cause for hope

00:26:13 PSA

00:26:53 Revamping corporate partner practices

00:31:38 Pooling together data

00:55:06 Contacting Bob

People/Products/Concepts Mentioned in Show

Ecosystem-Led Growth book

Bob on X

Bob on LinkedIn 

Bob is formerly Co-founder of Stitch Data

Bob is currently CEO at Crossbeam

Metcalfe’s Law




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Partnering on Customer Acquisition, with John Wright

John Wright Partnering on Customer Acquisition

Episode 197

Today, we are going to talk about how those of us who sell things find new buyers once we’ve exhausted our own audiences. We involve partners, and we can do this in a few ways. These partners may have high-traffic sites or be social media influencers. We are trying to use someone else’s channel to reach their audience, hoping they will buy from us.

Alternatively, we might be the ones who are influential or have a large audience that brands want to reach, so they pay us to be their marketing channel. The name for teaming up like this is affiliate marketing.

Today’s guest came to affiliate marketing through dabbling in online gambling. He watched the incentives sites put out to attract players, and then in 2010, he created a website that reviewed gambling affiliate programs called Gaming Affiliates Guide. This site’s traffic led him to become, you guessed it, an affiliate. Over time, he managed several gambling affiliate sites.

As you progress in this field, you always hit a ceiling with this marketing channel. No matter whether you’re the one needing traffic and paying for it, or the one who has traffic and is turning it into money, everyone gets a headache tracking it. As our guest was deeply involved at this point, getting paid to manage affiliate sites, he saw numerous problems in this industry and saw a way to solve them.

There were already applications that reported affiliate activity, but he saw these technologies’ shortcomings. With his engineering degree from the University of Toronto, which had taught him how to develop things, he joined up with partners to create a SaaS tool of their own: StatsDrone.

Having scratched an itch he experienced earlier in his career, he now heads a team whose tool addresses affiliate challenges.

Let’s go to Montreal and hear from John Wright.



Chapter Timestamps:

0:00:00 Intro

00:03:35 Welcome John Wright

00:06:57 Difficulty with Affiliate tracking

00:11:27 Postbacks and tracking methods

00:18:48 tracking dynamic variables

00:23:14 PSA

00:23:54 Tracking affiliate dollars

00:42:13 Contacting John

People, Products and Concepts mentioned in Show:

[email protected]

StatsDrone on Instagram


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Mastering Video Ads on Social, with Nikki Lindgren

Mastering video ads for social

Episode 196


There’s something we take for granted these days, something that wasn’t even possible a short while ago. Let’s go back to 2008, to the first iPhone, the 3G. What you could send & receive with one, if you could afford the data plan, was restricted to voice, text & small images. That’s because at the time, the cellular networks could transmit at around a third of a Megabyte per second, which went up to 2Mb/second when 3G was fully available. Then LTE/4G started becoming available in North America, reaching 97 percent by 2013. With those data speeds, you could watch brief standard definition videos, and social networks like Instagram & Snapchat began letting you record and send short clips. By the late twenty teens, advanced 4G infrastructure was fast enough, from 12 to 80 MPS, for people to watch 4K videos on their devices, bringing platforms like TikTok along with it. Now with 5G out, lag-free high-def video is available almost everywhere. And if you are a marketer trying to reach consumers, it means that  video must be part of the mix. 


There are still quirks to these platforms that we need to figure out. Some of their ad units include ecommerce options for selling products while the ad’s in front of them. More broad that this, it’s hard to know how these platforms will react to videos you post. They know so much about a user’s privacy, it’s raised issues of which country that data’s shared with. Clearly, this calls for an expert’s help.  


Our guest graduated from San Francisco State University and FIDM with a business degree and started working in-house at consumer eCommerce brands, running their digital marketing programs. After helping brands in every category from skincare & cosmetics to Books to jewelry, she built her own agency team to do this, Pennock, which is named after the rural Minnesota town where her family are from. 

Let’s go to  Northern California where she lives with her husband Tyler and three kids, to talk to Nikki Lindgren.


Chapter Timestamps:

00:00:00 – Intro

00:03:12 – Welcome Nikki

00:09:05 – Video on platforms like TikTok

00:23:37 – PSA

00:24:26 – Reporting to stakeholders

00:29:59 – Ad campaign optimization

00:35:05 – Contacting Nikki


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Analytics – in-house or outsource? with Luke Komiskey

Luke Komiskey

Episode 195

We all want our organization’s decisions to be driven by the numbers. Who wouldn’t want to have at their fingertips analytics that accurately show which course of action will be best.  

But doing this takes analysts, and that doesn’t mean hiring them, it means managing them to function well. It means creating processes for them, Outfitting them with technology. Giving them budgets.It’s hard pulling this off in a small or mid-sized organization, and even leaders of large organizations must exercise care when creating this. 

But there’s no set-in-stone law that says a data team must be in-house. Another model, managed services works well for IT and it can be used to give companies access to analysts so they can still be data-driven. 

We’re going to explore the outsourced analytics model with today’s guest. 

Throughout his career, he has worked at the intersection of data, business, and strategy consulting. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Following graduation, he joined Cargill as a Data Engineer from June 2011 to November 2013. He went on to serve as the Analytics Lead at Slalom from December 2013 to February 2016, where he claims to have been Minneapolis’ first Analytics Hire. 

In 2017, he co-founded DataDrive, a managed service provider specializing in analytics, alongside fellow data enthusiasts.

Let’s talk with Luke Komiskey.

Chapter Timestamps

00:00:00 – Intro

00:02:14 – Welcome Luke

00:17:38 – PSA

00:18:16 – Calculating value of having good data

00:49:29 – The MSP model

00:49:59 – Where to contact Luke

People/Products/Concepts Mentioned in Show


Luke on linkedin

Luke’s company is Datadrive

Jerry Macguire

You may want to hear related episodes:


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Building insights with Adobe Analytics, featuring Jenn Kunz

Jenn Kunz - Adobe Analytics

Episode 194

There’s more than one way to skin a cat. Being honest, doing something differently is often neither better or worse, it’s just different.

Playing Music with an acoustic vs electric guitar

Writing with a pen on paper vs a computer. And continuing on that theme, it could be a Mac or a PC

Programming can be done in various languages

Films can be made with a variety of filming equipment, anything from an iPhone up to an IMAX ALEXA 65mm

This also applies to what we use as our analytics tool. And though Google Analytics gets a lot of attention, including in this podcast, to be fair, it is not the only game in town. The industry has a second tool,  Adobe Analytics and I wanted to talk with an expert, and to my mind, today’s guest is the person to talk to about it. 

She has 15+ years of experience helping enterprise organizations solve their analytics problems holistically, no matter where they are in their digital measurement evolution or what tool set they use. 

Few can go as deep on pixel implementation, tag management, and data layers as she. 

As a consultant at boutique agency 33 Sticks, she helps clients streamline the implementation process and get more value out of their tools, decreasing costs and headaches for developers, project managers, and analysts alike. On the side, she’s used her background as a developer to create free industry tools like the Adobe Analytics Beacon Parser and the mobile app PocketSDR. 

She loves helping and collaborating with others in the industry, and most days can be found in #measure slack or twitter doing just that.

Let’s go to the Atlanta-area to talk with Jenn Kunz 


Chapter Timestamps

00:00:00 – Intro

00:02:21 – Welcome Jenn

00:03:37 – How Adobe’s used by larger orgs

00:20:55 – PSA

00:21:32 – Navigating the Interface

00:41:48 – How to contact Jenn

People/Products/Concepts Mentioned in Show

Jenn on LinkedIn

Jenn on Twitter

Jenn on Bluesky

Jenn’s personal site is

Adobe Customer journey analytics

Adobe Launch (tags) props, evars

Adobe Advertising Analytics connection to Google

Adobe Experience Platform (AEP)

XDM – value pair

Data layer

GCLID (Equivalent of Adobe CID) 

UTM parameters

Scopes – a way to organize acquisition information around a user, a session, or product

Adobe’s Ben Gaines


Simo Ahava

Measureslack Community

Test and learn (TLC) community

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How your site’s health impacts marketing, with Rob Villeneuve

How your site's health impacts marketing

Episode 193

Those of us in the digital economy think a lot about growing our business, but we don’t think as much about the tech that enables customers to interact with our business. When our sites don’t run smoothly or aren’t available, our customers suffer and it stops working as our sales and marketing engine. Terms for these episodes: the site crashed or it croaked, give us a perception that sites are either alive and well or completely dead, when its health really resembles our own human health. Meaning, a website can give off  warning signs that can be diagnosed and treated before anything really bad happens. It doesn’t take invasive tools to catch these; monitoring services that run without any special site access can detect issues.  These tools that take a site’s pulse are also good to gauge the site’s fitness – its ability to handle business growth. 

Our guest has always called Ottawa Canada his home. He has also always had an entrepreneurial spirit, supporting the local startup scene since the 2000s, which is where I first met him.

After earning his computer science degree, he began his career working at local web tech firms. A stint at a design agency stoked his enthusiasm for websites, and in 2010 he joined the parent company of Internet Service Provider and web host, and domain registrar  

He took on the role of CEO for both companies, where he saw first-hand how the internet fueled communication and value-creation. In 2013 he took on additional responsibility as a Director of the not-for-profit Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), where for the last decade more or less he has staunchly pushed for the internet to be used as a force for good in Canada.

Workwise, after stepping away from Rebel and Internic, he returned to his technical and startup roots. Based on his observation that while websites were getting easier for non-experts to build, they could make mistakes hurting their user’s experience of their site with equal ease. That led him to launch ONIK, a product that monitors website fitness. 

Let’s go talk with Rob Villeneuve


Chapter Timestamps

00:00:00 – Intro

00:03:06 – Welcome Rob

00:09:19 – Monitoring site health

00:29:09 – PSA

00:29:59 – How much access is needed to monitor a site

00:41:01 – Holding different patrs of site to different standards

00:42:12 – How alerts help

00:45:21 – Knowing when enough is being measured

00:49:50 – How large sites do monitoring

00:53:09 – About ONIK.IO, how to contact Rob

People/Products/Concepts Mentioned in Show

Rob on LinkedIn

His company,

Listen to episode

Rob & Glenn
Rob & Glenn

Are we eroding online attention? with Juan Mendoza

Juan Mendoze Eroding online attention

Episode 192

In the world of capitalism, things that are rare are valuable.  Macallan single malt scotch, mint Joe Dimaggio rookie card, vintage Patek Philippe, a Stradivarius, Japanese Wagyu steak, a suit from a Savile Row tailor, an original Worhal painting, or a made-to-order Rolls Royce Phantom. It also extends to digital assets, like the domain, which the original registrant sold to the car company in 2014 for $11 million.

We can add another item that’s limited, arguably it’s a one of a kind. But just like all other goods with high sticker prices, opportunists have attempted mass-producing it, commoditizing it. They’re idea has been to make it common enough and thus cheap enough to be sold everyday in a large marketplace. 

The valuable resource that each of us has, of course, is time. About 200 years ago it became a measured thing, called attention. Ever since, the price it’s assigned has been paced by the places where media can be shown. In the present day, with a prolific amount of media-friendly technology around us, there’s almost no place where they don’t vy for our attention. 

This is bad for consumers. But today’s guest points out how it’s not just bad for them. It’s bad for advertisers, too. He says that bad actors, those who are unscrupulous about what ads they show and how frequently they show them, are spoiling this for the rest of us. The excessive amount of messages aimed at consumers is undermining their ability to absorb them, decreasing the effectiveness of the advertising we do. 

Taken to the extreme, the cheapening of consumer attention could harm the internet as a whole.  A book by Tim Hwang, ‘the subprime attention crisis”  points out that many information sites we all rely on are ad-supported, and the less ad revenue coming in, the less viable these publishers become. 

Our guest is someone who has worked with notable leaders in the marketing technology space and who now runs his own media company.  

He is the CEO of The Martech Weekly (TMW), a media company that’s read by leading marketing and technology executives in more than 65 countries. 

He also hosts the Martech World Forum, an international gathering of world leaders in marketing technology and is a contributor to the “Making Sense of MarTech” podcast.  

We’re heading to Melbourne Australia to speak with Juan Mendoza



(00:00:00) – Intro

00:04:24 – Welcome Juan

00:10:28 – Attention is Finite

00:14:56 – Impact of hitting people’s attention ‘cap’

00:27:26 – Public Service Announcement

00:27:56 – The ‘attention inflation’ problem

00:38:11 – Historical precedents for what we are experiencing

00:41:56 – Where to contact Juan

Listen to episode

People, Products and Concepts mentioned in the show

Juan’s piece on Inflating Attention

TMW, The Martech Weekly

Martech World Forum

Juan on LinkedIn

Subprime Attention Crisis: Advertising and the Time Bomb at the Heart of the Internet by Tim Hwang | Goodreads

Keanu Taylor

Scott Galloway

MrBeast – YouTube

Content Marketing Strategy, with Robert Rose

robert rose

Episode 191

Do you wish there was a blueprint for architecting all your company’s content? You’ve come to the right place because a super-well researched book has just come out, from someone whose name is synonymous with Content marketing. 

Our guest is a marketing leader who helps companies combine technology and digital media to produce great content marketing. Many Fortune 500 brands have sought him out for his strategic guidance. 

He himself says this was an improbable outcome, as a guy who moved from Texas to LA to start a career in Hollywood as a screenwriter. But LA had its own plans for him, specifically in senior marketing roles with SaaS companies, including a content management solution firm where he was CMO.  

In 2010 he joined  Joe Pulizzi, previous show guest who had just founded The Content Marketing Institute as its Chief Strategy Advisor. He played a pivotal role in making it the premier content marketing education organization through its acquisition by UBM in 2016 and right up to the present. He and Joe still put out This Old Marketing, a podcast which is downloaded more than a half-a-million times every year in 150 countries.

He also provides training programs and certification courses through The Content Advisory. 

Beyond all the enterprise work he does, he still rolls up his sleeves to support various startups , serving supporting roles  at DivvyHQ and BrandLens. He is the best-selling author with four best-selling books on marketing and today we’re talking about his 2023 book: Content Marketing Strategy. 

We’re headed now to talk with Robert Rose. 



00:00:00 – Intro

00:02:50 – Welcome Robert

00:04:48 – How having a strategy produces better content

00:28:31 – PSA

00:29:08 – 3 pillars of the Content marketing model

00:34:43 – Org structures at odds with Content Strategy

00:37:22 – Content dept shouldn’t be treated as vending machine

00:39:44 – Content’s container vs content itself

00:45:02 – Infusing content with storylike progression

00:48:23 – Points of view for creating content

00:49:49 – Measuring content’s value

01:00:37 – Getting the book/contacting Robert

People/Products/Concepts mentioned in the show

Robert Rose – YouTube

PNR This Old Marketing

The Content Advisory

Content Marketing Strategy book

Leo Tolstoy

Permission Marketing by Seth Godin

You may want to hear the related Funnel Reboot podcast with Robert’s friend Joe Pulizzi


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Robert & Glenn at CEX2024