Episode 26: Wrangling Performance out of Site Content with Michel Fortin

Today we’re talking about how to think strategically about website content.  The primary reason we’re told to focus on content is SEO, but the true beneficiary of well-structured content isn’t the search engines. Another myth is that focusing on keywords will win the SEO contests when it’s actually more about “topical clusters.”

To improve how your content performs,  it all boils down to following the fundamentals of communication. My guest is Michel Fortin of Shelly Solutions, whose strategies get to the heart this. He is a 30-year marketing veteran, who has done copywriting and marketing as a coach, under his own consultancy, and within an agency. He’s active in industry associations spoken on stage at conferences, holds industry certifications, and has written hundreds of published articles.

As you hear our conversation, you’ll hear him refer to many sources: a half-dozen books that guided his thinking on sales & marketing, several tools, conceptual frameworks, and companies he’s worked with. Also listen to him tell, on a personal level, how as a young salesperson, an ADHD-related condition called Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) led to him writing marketing content and becoming so good at it that he left sales to sell his copywriting services.

Concepts Mentioned:


Neuro-linguistic Programming


AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

How prepared is your audience to take an OATH:





The PESO Model of Media

SERP  – Search Engine Result Page

Google’s EAT acronym:




Google’s BERT algorithm


Eugene Schwartz’s Breakthrough Advertising

Al Ries & Jack Trout’s The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Brian Tracy’s Psychology of Selling

Dan Kennedy’s No BS Direct Marketing

Tom Hopkins How to Master the Art of Selling

Tony Alessandro’s DISC Assessment 

Tim Conley

Data Transformation client MB Foster

A/B Testing Tools



Google Optimize

Episode Reboot: 

Don’t try to please the Search Engines, try to please your site visitor.

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