Episode 19: Legal and not-so-legal aspects of digital marketing, with Megan Cornell

In the fast pace of digital marketing, we sometimes brush up against legal issues. 

  • We might sometimes take risks that have legal repercussions. 
  • Other companies may harm our brand and we need to defend ourselves. 
  • We may do things where legal frameworks haven’t caught up and it’s not clear what is legal. 

Today’s guest is here to help marketers make sense of these situations. Megan Cornell is the founder of Momentum – a new kind of business law firm dedicated to providing law solutions in a way that works for clients. She explains data privacy, trademarks, spam, intellectual property and other legal issues we all face, giving plain-English explanations (a first for lawyers, as far as I know) of ways we marketers can stay on the right side of the law. 

People and Products/Resources mentioned:


See what aspects of Intellectual Property (IP) apply to you by referring to this Infographic:

Site containing more information on Canada’s approach to IP.

Episode 18: Top Paid Media Changes in 2019

In any given year, there are a lot of changes in paid media. The pace of change in 2019 was every bit as brisk as in previous years. For the third year in a row, we assembling a panel to look back at a shortlist of the changes that are the most significant. Then we weigh their impact on B2B companies and what can be done either to minimize downside or capitalize on the upside. Our Panel this time features PPC professionals Olga Gladycheva as well as Pierre Levasseur and yours truly

The changes we discussed in the show include:

  • LinkedIn adds Interest targeting options 
  • Apple Rollout of ITP 2.x 
  • Google Ads sunsets average position 
  • Click share metric available in Search Campaigns 
  • Google Ads Audit rules inside the desktop editor 
  • Microsoft Ads rebrands, keeps pace with Google Ads and deepens features brought by their relationship with LinkedIn   
  • Google rolls out Campaign-level conversions 
  • Google softens Location settings to people REGULARLY in my target 
  • Google puts same-meaning words in an auction on all types of Keyword matches 
  • Google Ads Retiring Accelerated Delivery 
  • Google lowers ‘15 conversions in 30-days’ as a minimum bar for Target CPA
  • Google Analytics reports both dates of click and date of conversion

People/Products Mentioned:


Stay to the end of the episode to hear our picks for the best and worst changes of the year. 


Episode 17: Staying Human in today’s Media landscape, with Eric Collard

Whether you look at traditional or digital media, there’s a growing expectation that brands be more human. Those that use technology as a spamming tool or a way to hide from their buyers are being ignored or worse, heckled by their audience on social media. You may not be experiencing this problem right now, but just because you aren’t, doesn’t mean you don’t have this problem.  

Buyers may be at a breaking point where they’ll stop tolerating company messaging in their media feed. We have saturated our audiences with so much sterilized corporate-speak, they don’t even hear us anymore. This is a sure-fired way to lose, and the only way we can win is to be more human. Listen to my conversation with Eric Collard (here are his TwitterLinkedIn profiles) who knows a lot about how to communicate in a human way.

Items talked about in show:

Funnel Reboot Episode 15 – Ad Fraud and what you can do about it

People & Products Mentioned

United Airlines

Mathew Sweezey 

Douglas Rushkoff

“The Marketing Rebellion” by Mark Schaefer

Quote attributed to Anthony Robbins (originally by Jim Rohn) “Success leaves clues.”

Image Eric likes depicting the journey:







Book that inspired this episode

Episode 16: Role of UX in a site’s marketing effectiveness with Farhad Khan

We can all agree that websites should persuade visitors to buy our products & services, right? There is a whole field that focuses on how websites do this, called User Experience (UX). 

To find out what marketers need to know about UX, I talked with Farhad Khan, an Ottawa-based expert on UX. He started out working as a software engineer for high tech companies and then formed a Web development agency called Grype Solutions in 2009. He has since received Ottawa Business Journal’s Top 40 under forty distinctions and has also started a podcast called The ButterFly Effect. 

Listen for his description of how design impacts a site’s marketing effectiveness, what jobs your website has, using your analytics tool to see how visitors flow through your site, making each page on your site interesting, and where sites are going when it comes to personalization.


People & Products Mentioned



Episode 15: Ad Fraud and what you can do about it

This episode looks at the impact of fraudulent traffic on digital marketing. We’ll talk about how big a problem it is for publishers, ad platforms and advertisers. We will step through what advertisers can do to make their campaigns less vulnerable to attacks by fraudsters, and give thoughts on how to give your non-marketing colleagues reasons why it’s still good business to advertise, in spite of problems with ad fraud.


Ideas and Products mentioned in the episode

Humans Account for Less than 40% of Global Web Traffic.

Pixel Stuffing (see ‘pixel stuffing’)

Ad Stacking 

Misrepresentation ad fraud (video) 

Ad injections

Google Data Centres

Ad Fraud Bots reported by White Ops 


Media Rating Council (MRC)

TAG standards

Blade Runner Voight-Kampff machine 

Polygraph Machine    


Google Tag Manager Conversion Linker (Video) – incorrectly called it Conversion Looker in the audio.

Anti-drug PSA 

Arthur Andersen & Enron conflict of interest

Script to find How much of your traffic uses adblockers

People mentioned in the episode:

Bob Hoffman (adcontrarian) 

Mark Schaefer 

Scott Stratten

Gabe Leydon 

Augustine Fou 


To see invalid traffic numbers and percentages in your Google Ads account:

  1. login to your account and navigate to the campaign level
  2. Click the Columns icon and add the invalid interaction data columns
  3. If there are clicks you consider invalid that are not reported, you can request an invalid traffic investigation. Details are at the bottom of this page: https://www.google.com/ads/adtrafficquality/what-you-can-do.html

Episode 14: The Role of Content throughout the funnel, with Lindsay Oliver

Disclaimer: The company featured here is not a sponsor of the show, nor have I affiliated with them. They simply bring a perspective that I think you’ll get some use from.

This episode takes us through the case of a company that seized the chance to market their product using content, tailored to each buyer’s vertical and funnel stage. Hear how they:

  • Implemented the email communications and marketing content into their Marketing Automation tool.
  • What kind of marketing resources they needed to build and maintain the platform
  • How to customize content for different audiences, without making too much work for yourself 
  • How to present dashboard data such that management understands how you use the budget to create content and what business-related numbers that influence.


Ideas and Products mentioned in the episode:

People mentioned in the episode:


If you haven’t yet built content, use the attached Content Planning Template

If you have content on your site and you are auditing its marketing effectiveness, use some of the templates shown here:

Episode 13: How Content Experience Makes the Whole Funnel Work, with James Taylor

content experience

This is part of a series on Elements of Every Funnel. Today we will focus on the kind of experience we create with our content.

This is the fifth in our five-part series on Making the Whole Funnel Work. An experience is created with the content you write; but content alone does not an experience make. You can’t just throw together a collection of words and expect it to do anything. Here I talk with a web copy expert on how to craft content that provides a positive experience for the user. In my interview with James Taylor, you’ll hear the 12 steps he follows for creating content that measurably improves the number of users who engage and become leads.

Show Notes: 

People/Things mentioned in the show.

Episode Reboot: 

Here is James’ 12-step checklist for Creating WebPage and Blog Post content

Content checklist
Content checklist

Episode 12: How Traffic Makes the Whole Funnel Work


This is part of a series on Elements of Every Funnel. Today, our focus will be on acquiring traffic.

People/Things mentioned in the show:

Bob Hoffman (Ad Contrarian)

Browser Protocols like ITP

Jay Baer

Display and Retargeting Platforms:
Google Ads

Perfect Audience


Rapp Media/InSkin Media Research

Social Ad Platforms:
LinkedIn Ads

Twitter Ads

Mark Schaefer 
Scott Stratten 
Kamila Gornia

Native Advertising Platforms:

Justin Mares & Gabriel Weinberg, authors of the book “Traction” 

Perry Marshall

For more on this topic, check out Episode 2: https://www.funnelreboot.com/ep2/

Episode Reboot: 

Check out the Acquisitions report in your Google Analytics.

Episode 11: How A Call-to-Action Makes the Whole Funnel Work


This is part of a series on Elements of Every Funnel. Fifty years ago, Author and Ad Age writer Bob Stone gave a framework for direct marketing funnels: list, offer, creative. Today, we will focus on the ‘Offer,’ otherwise known as the call-to-action.

In this episode, we look at both sides of website interaction. We discuss how visitors progress through a website and how marketers make conversion offers for visitors to complete. Marketers make a critical choice when deciding the conversion actions they use, so we go through the most common call-to-action offers used on leading-edge websites. Listen in for answers to these topics:

  • Why do we have conversions?
  • How to optimize your conversion offers
  • How to choose what call-to-action to put on your webpage
  • How to effectively use chatbots, contact form, call buttons, questionnaires, etc

Ideas and Products mentioned in the episode:

Chat tools








People mentioned in the episode:

Karl Blanks and Ben Jesson, author  “Making Websites Win”

Chris Goward, author “You Should Test That

Brad Geddes, author “Advanced Google AdWords”

Tim Ash, author “Landing Page Optimization”

Sangram Vajre, Flip the Funnel


Enjoy this list of Conversions/Calls-to-Action from “You Should Test That” (reprinted with permission)

Lead-Generation Goals

If lead generation is your overall purpose, the goals might include any of the following specific user actions:

  • Request a quote
  • Create an online quote
  • Request an in-person demo
  • View an overview video
  • Request a phone call
  • Take a quiz or poll
  • Request a situation analysis
  • in a contest
  • Request market information
  • Fill out a needs-analysis
  • Book a meeting
  • questionnaire
  • Use a needs-analysis wizard
  • Ask a question
  • Use an interactive savings or RO
  • Complete a contact form inquiry
  • calculator
  • Download software
  • Click to call
  • Sign up for trial offer
  • Click to chat
  • Request a printed brochure
  • Make a phone call
  • Request a catalogue
  • Register for a webinar
  • Download an online brochure
  • Register for a conference
  • Download a whitepaper
  • Sign up for a newsletter
  • Download an ebook
  • Sign up for a blog subscription
  • Download a worksheet
  • Sign up for an RSS feed Subscription
  • Download a case study

E-Commerce Goals

For e-commerce, your goals might be based on any of these common metrics:

  • e-commerce purchase conversion rate
  • Average order value
  • Return on ad spend
  • Revenue per visitor

Or they might include any of the following user actions:

  • Sign up for an RSS feed
  • Request a catalog
  • Subscription
  • Ask a question
  • Add to cart
  • Click to cali
  • Save to a wish list
  • Click to chat
  • Sign up for auto-reordering
  • Sign up for a newsletter
  • Add accessories (up-sell)
  • Sign up for a blog subscription

Affiliate Marketing Goals

For affiliate marketing, your goals might include a specific revenue-per-visitor value, along with any of the following actions:

  • Click through to an affiliate site
  • Sign up for a newsletter
  • Sign up for a blog subscription
  • Fill out a needs-analysis questionnaire
  • Sign up for an RSS feed subscription
  • Use a needs-analysis wizard
  • Find a service provider
  • Use an interactive savings or ROI calculator
  • Find savings in your area
  • Create an online quote

Subscription Goals

Subscription goals might include any of the following actions and metrics:

  • Sign up for a free trial subscription
  • Upgrade subscription
  • Paid subscription signups
  • Average subscription signup value

There are many more goals you can track, depending on your business model. For each test, choose the one that drives the most revenue. Once you have identified the goals for your test, you’ll be ready to set up your conversion-optimization experiment and get testing.

Episode 10: How a Tracking Infrastructure Makes the Whole Funnel Work

tracking infrastructure

This is part of a series on Elements of Every Funnel. Today’s focus is the infrastructure that needs to be in place to know everything about people’s interactions with your website.

This episode covers what needs to be in place to know everything about people’s interactions with your website.

Listen in for answers to these topics:

  • What are the main pieces of a funnel infrastructure
  • What are the skills you need to set up and maintain your infrastructure?plinko
  • How to track what’s happening in your site through Google Analytics, everything from a video view to use of a chatbot
  • Which tools manage the tags behind these conversions
  • What you need to run A/B testing

You’ll also hear how Mother Hubbard, Gas Tanks and the game of Plinko all relate to tracking on your website.

Ideas and Products mentioned in episode:

Installing the Google Sheet add-on

Google Analytics

Search Console

Google’s Campaign URL Builder

Uptime Robot


Google Tag Manager

Google Optimize





Google Analytics Suite

People mentioned in episode:

Sayf Sharif

Sangram Vajre


Please go see the Google Marketing Platform by going into https://analytics.google.com and clicking the 2 by 2 grid icon shown below.