Episode 78: How AI Helps Marketers, with Cathy McPhillips

Lots of experts have said that AI is transformational to business. Call me cynical, but when you look at how the average marketing team functions in 2022, it doesn’t seem like much of our work has been transformed. My guest today, a mainstream marketer who hadn’t been influenced by  all the hype, will share her appraisal of AI’s practical uses.

Cathy McPhillips is a longtime Cleveland-based marketer who has worked in corporate, agency-side, as well as owning a small business. She worked for years with the Content Marketing Institute which was led by Joe Pulizzi (who was on Episode 56 of the show). Nearly a year ago, she joined the Marketing AI institute as chief growth officer, but admittedly with very little hands-on experience with AI. 

Brought on to grow the relatively new institute in a hurry, Cathy’s gotten up to speed on how to use these tools. She’ll tell us her story, including how the way we traditionally do things has to change in order to get the benefits of AI. Cathy lists many resources and tools, which have been compiled into a table that’s in the show notes.   I hope by listening to Cathy, you’ll try some of them out, and come away as excited as she is about how AI can be a superpower for today’s marketing.

People/Products/Concepts Mentioned in Show

Episode Reboot:

Tools to help contentE.G. PersadoDRIFTDescriptMarketMuseWriting social posts, messages (Copy.ai, persado) Personalizing landing pagesAnalyzing what’s said on social about our brand
Tools to help mktg activitiesE.G. Rasa.ioSprinklrOptimizing ads on campaigns to get most leads for least cost-summarizing/visualizing our web visitors and prospectsUnderstand which prospects have intent to buy, are open to contactData cleanup or other repeated tasks, learning from watching you

Also check out our other AI-related episodes:

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